Table of contents for volume 1 (2009)
nr. 1
- Leendert P. Louwe Kooijmans: Editorial
[TOC] [Article] [PDF]
- Nico Roymans, Joris Aarts: Coin use in a dynamic frontier region. Late Iron Age coinages in the Lower Rhine area
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Leendert P. Louwe Kooijmans: The agency factor in the process of Neolithisation – a Dutch case study
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- E. Smits, J. van der Plicht: Mesolithic and Neolithic human remains in the Netherlands: physical anthropological and stable isotope investigations
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Stijn Heeren: New views on the forfex of Virilis the veterinarian: shears, emasculator or twitch?
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Wouter van der Meer: Harvesting underwater meadows, use of eelgrass (Zostera spp.) as indicated by the Dutch archaeological record.
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
nr. 2
- Yvonne Lammers-Keijsers, Jeroen Sondervan: Editorial
[TOC] [Article] [PDF]
- Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Maaike Groot: Searching for patterns among special animal deposits in the Dutch river area during the Roman period
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Quentin Bourgeois, Luc Amkreutz, Raphaël Panhuysen: The Niersen Beaker burial: A renewed study of a century-old excavation
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Sebastiaan Ostkamp: The world upside down. Secular badges and the iconography of the Late Medieval Period: ordinary pins with multiple meanings
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]