Table of contents for volume 4 (2013)
nr. 1
- Leo Verhart: Contact in stone: adzes, Keile and Spitzhauen in the Lower Rhine Basin: Neolithic stone tools and the transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic in Belgium and the Netherlands, 5300-4000 cal BC
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Joep Verweij, Wouter Waldus, André van Holk: Continuity and change in Dutch shipbuilding in the Early Modern period. The case of VAL7 and the watership in general.
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Thijs Maarleveld, Alice Overmeer: Aanloop Molengat – Maritime archaeology and intermediate trade during the Thirty Years’ War
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Willy Groenman-van Waateringe: Celtic field banks and Early Medieval rye cultivation
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Henny Groenendijk, Hans van der Plicht, Harm Jan Streurman: Steentil, an early stone bridge in the monastic landscape of Groningen, the Netherlands
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
nr. 2
- Laura I. Kooistra, Marieke van Dinter, Monica K. Dütting, Pauline van Rijn, Chiara Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army? Part 1: The archaeological and historical framework
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Martijn van Haasteren, Maaike Groot: The biography of wells: a functional and ritual life history
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]
- Annet Nieuwhof: Anglo-Saxon immigration or continuity? Ezinge and the coastal area of the northern Netherlands in the Migration Period.
[TOC] [Abstract] [Article] [PDF]