Index by author

Aarts, Joris
Vol. 1, nr. 1: Nico Roymans, Joris Aarts: Coin use in a dynamic frontier region. Late Iron Age coinages in the Lower Rhine area
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Amkreutz, Luc
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Quentin Bourgeois, Luc Amkreutz, Raphaël Panhuysen: The Niersen Beaker burial: A renewed study of a century-old excavation
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Arnoldussen, Stijn
Vol. 3, nr. 1: Janneke Nienhuis, Jilt Sietsma, Stijn Arnoldussen: The Production Process and Potential Usage of Bronze Geistingen Axes
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Bastiaens, Jan
Vol. 2, nr. 2: Bart Vanmontfort, Marijn Van Gils, Etienne Paulissen, Jan Bastiaens, Marc De Bie, Els Meirsman: Human occupation of the Late and Early Post-Glacial environments in the Liereman Landscape (Campine, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Beeckmans, Luk
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Bianucci, Raffaella
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Bourgeois, Quentin
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Quentin Bourgeois, Luc Amkreutz, Raphaël Panhuysen: The Niersen Beaker burial: A renewed study of a century-old excavation
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Brinkkemper, Otto
Vol. 3, nr. 1: Felix Weijdema, Otto Brinkkemper, Hans Peeters, Bas van Geel: Early Neolithic human impact on the vegetation in a wetland environment in the Noordoostpolder, central Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Brothwell, Don
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Brounen, F.
Vol. 5, nr. 1: D.J. Huisman, F. Brounen, E. Lohof, R. Machiels, J. de Moor, B.J.H. van Os, P. van de Velde, E. Rensink, I.M. van Wijk: Micromorphological study of Early Neolithic (LBK) soil features in the Netherlands

Caluwé, Danielle
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Cavallo, C.
Vol. 5, nr. 1: M. van Dinter, L.I. Kooistra, M.K. Dütting, P. van Rijn, C. Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army?: Part 2: Modelling the carrying capacity using archaeological, palaeo-ecological and geomorphological data

Cavallo, Chiara
Vol. 4, nr. 2: Laura I. Kooistra, Marieke van Dinter, Monica K. Dütting, Pauline van Rijn, Chiara Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army? Part 1: The archaeological and historical framework
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Cooremans, Brigitte
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

De Bie, Marc
Vol. 2, nr. 2: Bart Vanmontfort, Marijn Van Gils, Etienne Paulissen, Jan Bastiaens, Marc De Bie, Els Meirsman: Human occupation of the Late and Early Post-Glacial environments in the Liereman Landscape (Campine, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

De Buyser, Frans
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Deforce, Koen
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Derks, Ton
Vol. 2, nr. 2: Ton Derks, Wouter Vos: Wooden combs from the Roman fort at Vechten: the bodily appearance of soldiers
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Desender, Konjev
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Dinter, M. van
Vol. 5, nr. 1: M. van Dinter, L.I. Kooistra, M.K. Dütting, P. van Rijn, C. Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army?: Part 2: Modelling the carrying capacity using archaeological, palaeo-ecological and geomorphological data

Dinter, Marieke van
Vol. 4, nr. 2: Laura I. Kooistra, Marieke van Dinter, Monica K. Dütting, Pauline van Rijn, Chiara Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army? Part 1: The archaeological and historical framework
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Dütting, M.K.
Vol. 5, nr. 1: M. van Dinter, L.I. Kooistra, M.K. Dütting, P. van Rijn, C. Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army?: Part 2: Modelling the carrying capacity using archaeological, palaeo-ecological and geomorphological data

Dütting, Monica K.
Vol. 4, nr. 2: Laura I. Kooistra, Marieke van Dinter, Monica K. Dütting, Pauline van Rijn, Chiara Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army? Part 1: The archaeological and historical framework
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Egarter-Vigl, Eduard
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Ervynck, Anton
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Es, W.A. van
Vol. 2, nr. 1: W.A. van Es, W.J.H. Verwers: Early Medieval settlements along the Rhine: precursors and contemporaries of Dorestad
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Geel, Bas van
Vol. 3, nr. 1: Felix Weijdema, Otto Brinkkemper, Hans Peeters, Bas van Geel: Early Neolithic human impact on the vegetation in a wetland environment in the Noordoostpolder, central Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Gostner, Paul
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Groenendijk, Henny
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Henny Groenendijk, Hans van der Plicht, Harm Jan Streurman: Steentil, an early stone bridge in the monastic landscape of Groningen, the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Groenman-van Waateringe, Willy
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Willy Groenman-van Waateringe: Celtic field banks and Early Medieval rye cultivation
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Groot, Maaike
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Maaike Groot: Searching for patterns among special animal deposits in the Dutch river area during the Roman period
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Vol. 4, nr. 2: Martijn van Haasteren, Maaike Groot: The biography of wells: a functional and ritual life history
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Haasteren, Martijn van
Vol. 4, nr. 2: Martijn van Haasteren, Maaike Groot: The biography of wells: a functional and ritual life history
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Halici, Hülya
Vol. 3, nr. 1: Wietske Prummel, Hülya Halici, Annemieke Verbaas: The bone and antler tools from the Wijnaldum-Tjitsma terp
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Heeren, Stijn
Vol. 1, nr. 1: Stijn Heeren: New views on the forfex of Virilis the veterinarian: shears, emasculator or twitch?
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Holk, André van
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Joep Verweij, Wouter Waldus, André van Holk: Continuity and change in Dutch shipbuilding in the Early Modern period. The case of VAL7 and the watership in general.
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Huisman, D.J.
Vol. 5, nr. 1: D.J. Huisman, F. Brounen, E. Lohof, R. Machiels, J. de Moor, B.J.H. van Os, P. van de Velde, E. Rensink, I.M. van Wijk: Micromorphological study of Early Neolithic (LBK) soil features in the Netherlands

Janko, Marek
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Kinnaer, Frank
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Kooistra, L.I.
Vol. 5, nr. 1: M. van Dinter, L.I. Kooistra, M.K. Dütting, P. van Rijn, C. Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army?: Part 2: Modelling the carrying capacity using archaeological, palaeo-ecological and geomorphological data

Kooistra, Laura I.
Vol. 4, nr. 2: Laura I. Kooistra, Marieke van Dinter, Monica K. Dütting, Pauline van Rijn, Chiara Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army? Part 1: The archaeological and historical framework
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Lammers-Keijsers, Yvonne
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Yvonne Lammers-Keijsers, Jeroen Sondervan: Editorial
  [TOC]    [Article]    [PDF] 

Lentacker, An
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Lohof, E.
Vol. 5, nr. 1: D.J. Huisman, F. Brounen, E. Lohof, R. Machiels, J. de Moor, B.J.H. van Os, P. van de Velde, E. Rensink, I.M. van Wijk: Micromorphological study of Early Neolithic (LBK) soil features in the Netherlands

Vol. 5, nr. 1: E. Lohof, W. Roessingh: The Westfrisian Bronze Age: a view from Enkhuizen-Kadijken

Louwe Kooijmans, Leendert P.
Vol. 1, nr. 1: Leendert P. Louwe Kooijmans: Editorial
  [TOC]    [Article]    [PDF] 

Vol. 1, nr. 1: Leendert P. Louwe Kooijmans: The agency factor in the process of Neolithisation – a Dutch case study
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Maarleveld, Thijs
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Thijs Maarleveld, Alice Overmeer: Aanloop Molengat – Maritime archaeology and intermediate trade during the Thirty Years’ War
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Machiels, R.
Vol. 5, nr. 1: D.J. Huisman, F. Brounen, E. Lohof, R. Machiels, J. de Moor, B.J.H. van Os, P. van de Velde, E. Rensink, I.M. van Wijk: Micromorphological study of Early Neolithic (LBK) soil features in the Netherlands

Maixner, Frank
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Mattutino, Grazia
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Meer, Wouter van der
Vol. 1, nr. 1: Wouter van der Meer: Harvesting underwater meadows, use of eelgrass (Zostera spp.) as indicated by the Dutch archaeological record.
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Meirsman, Els
Vol. 2, nr. 2: Bart Vanmontfort, Marijn Van Gils, Etienne Paulissen, Jan Bastiaens, Marc De Bie, Els Meirsman: Human occupation of the Late and Early Post-Glacial environments in the Liereman Landscape (Campine, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Meurkens, Lucas
Vol. 2, nr. 2: Lucas Meurkens: The late medieval/Early Modern reuse of prehistoric barrows as execution sites in the southern part of the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Moens, Jan
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Moor, J. de
Vol. 5, nr. 1: D.J. Huisman, F. Brounen, E. Lohof, R. Machiels, J. de Moor, B.J.H. van Os, P. van de Velde, E. Rensink, I.M. van Wijk: Micromorphological study of Early Neolithic (LBK) soil features in the Netherlands

Nienhuis, Janneke
Vol. 3, nr. 1: Janneke Nienhuis, Jilt Sietsma, Stijn Arnoldussen: The Production Process and Potential Usage of Bronze Geistingen Axes
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Nieuwhof, Annet
Vol. 4, nr. 2: Annet Nieuwhof: Anglo-Saxon immigration or continuity? Ezinge and the coastal area of the northern Netherlands in the Migration Period.
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Os, B.J.H. van
Vol. 5, nr. 1: D.J. Huisman, F. Brounen, E. Lohof, R. Machiels, J. de Moor, B.J.H. van Os, P. van de Velde, E. Rensink, I.M. van Wijk: Micromorphological study of Early Neolithic (LBK) soil features in the Netherlands

Ostkamp, Sebastiaan
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Sebastiaan Ostkamp: The world upside down. Secular badges and the iconography of the Late Medieval Period: ordinary pins with multiple meanings
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Overmeer, Alice
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Thijs Maarleveld, Alice Overmeer: Aanloop Molengat – Maritime archaeology and intermediate trade during the Thirty Years’ War
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Panhuysen, Raphaël
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Quentin Bourgeois, Luc Amkreutz, Raphaël Panhuysen: The Niersen Beaker burial: A renewed study of a century-old excavation
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Papageorgopoulou, Christina
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Paulissen, Etienne
Vol. 2, nr. 2: Bart Vanmontfort, Marijn Van Gils, Etienne Paulissen, Jan Bastiaens, Marc De Bie, Els Meirsman: Human occupation of the Late and Early Post-Glacial environments in the Liereman Landscape (Campine, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Peeters, Hans
Vol. 3, nr. 1: Felix Weijdema, Otto Brinkkemper, Hans Peeters, Bas van Geel: Early Neolithic human impact on the vegetation in a wetland environment in the Noordoostpolder, central Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Pernter, Patrizia
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Piombino-Mascali, Dario
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Plicht, Hans van der
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Henny Groenendijk, Hans van der Plicht, Harm Jan Streurman: Steentil, an early stone bridge in the monastic landscape of Groningen, the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Plicht, J. van der
Vol. 1, nr. 1: E. Smits, J. van der Plicht: Mesolithic and Neolithic human remains in the Netherlands: physical anthropological and stable isotope investigations
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Prummel, Wietske
Vol. 3, nr. 1: Wietske Prummel, Hülya Halici, Annemieke Verbaas: The bone and antler tools from the Wijnaldum-Tjitsma terp
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

R. Brandenburgh, Chrystel
Vol. 2, nr. 1: Chrystel R. Brandenburgh: Early medieval textile remains from settlements in the Netherlands. An evaluation of textile production
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Rensink, E.
Vol. 5, nr. 1: D.J. Huisman, F. Brounen, E. Lohof, R. Machiels, J. de Moor, B.J.H. van Os, P. van de Velde, E. Rensink, I.M. van Wijk: Micromorphological study of Early Neolithic (LBK) soil features in the Netherlands

Rijkelijkhuizen, Marloes J.
Vol. 3, nr. 1: Marloes J. Rijkelijkhuizen: Bone telescopes from Amsterdam
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Rijn, P. van
Vol. 5, nr. 1: M. van Dinter, L.I. Kooistra, M.K. Dütting, P. van Rijn, C. Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army?: Part 2: Modelling the carrying capacity using archaeological, palaeo-ecological and geomorphological data

Rijn, Pauline van
Vol. 4, nr. 2: Laura I. Kooistra, Marieke van Dinter, Monica K. Dütting, Pauline van Rijn, Chiara Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army? Part 1: The archaeological and historical framework
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Roessingh, W.
Vol. 5, nr. 1: E. Lohof, W. Roessingh: The Westfrisian Bronze Age: a view from Enkhuizen-Kadijken

Roymans, Nico
Vol. 1, nr. 1: Nico Roymans, Joris Aarts: Coin use in a dynamic frontier region. Late Iron Age coinages in the Lower Rhine area
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Rühlis, Frank
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Sanden, Wijnand van der
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Schepers, M.
Vol. 5, nr. 1: M. Schepers: Wet, wealthy worlds: The environment of the Swifterbant river system during the Neolithic occupation (4300-4000 cal BC)

Sietsma, Jilt
Vol. 3, nr. 1: Janneke Nienhuis, Jilt Sietsma, Stijn Arnoldussen: The Production Process and Potential Usage of Bronze Geistingen Axes
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Smits, E.
Vol. 1, nr. 1: E. Smits, J. van der Plicht: Mesolithic and Neolithic human remains in the Netherlands: physical anthropological and stable isotope investigations
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Sondervan, Jeroen
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Yvonne Lammers-Keijsers, Jeroen Sondervan: Editorial
  [TOC]    [Article]    [PDF] 

Streurman, Harm Jan
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Henny Groenendijk, Hans van der Plicht, Harm Jan Streurman: Steentil, an early stone bridge in the monastic landscape of Groningen, the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Troubleyn, Liesbeth
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Van Bulck, Gaston
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Van Dijck, Maarten
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Van Gils, Marijn
Vol. 2, nr. 2: Bart Vanmontfort, Marijn Van Gils, Etienne Paulissen, Jan Bastiaens, Marc De Bie, Els Meirsman: Human occupation of the Late and Early Post-Glacial environments in the Liereman Landscape (Campine, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Van Neer, Wim
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Vanmontfort, Bart
Vol. 2, nr. 2: Bart Vanmontfort, Marijn Van Gils, Etienne Paulissen, Jan Bastiaens, Marc De Bie, Els Meirsman: Human occupation of the Late and Early Post-Glacial environments in the Liereman Landscape (Campine, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Velde, P. van de
Vol. 5, nr. 1: D.J. Huisman, F. Brounen, E. Lohof, R. Machiels, J. de Moor, B.J.H. van Os, P. van de Velde, E. Rensink, I.M. van Wijk: Micromorphological study of Early Neolithic (LBK) soil features in the Netherlands

Verbaas, Annemieke
Vol. 3, nr. 1: Wietske Prummel, Hülya Halici, Annemieke Verbaas: The bone and antler tools from the Wijnaldum-Tjitsma terp
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Verhart, Leo
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Leo Verhart: Contact in stone: adzes, Keile and Spitzhauen in the Lower Rhine Basin: Neolithic stone tools and the transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic in Belgium and the Netherlands, 5300-4000 cal BC
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Verweij, Joep
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Joep Verweij, Wouter Waldus, André van Holk: Continuity and change in Dutch shipbuilding in the Early Modern period. The case of VAL7 and the watership in general.
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Verwers, W.J.H.
Vol. 2, nr. 1: W.A. van Es, W.J.H. Verwers: Early Medieval settlements along the Rhine: precursors and contemporaries of Dorestad
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Vos, Wouter
Vol. 2, nr. 2: Ton Derks, Wouter Vos: Wooden combs from the Roman fort at Vechten: the bodily appearance of soldiers
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Waldus, Wouter
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Joep Verweij, Wouter Waldus, André van Holk: Continuity and change in Dutch shipbuilding in the Early Modern period. The case of VAL7 and the watership in general.
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Weijdema, Felix
Vol. 3, nr. 1: Felix Weijdema, Otto Brinkkemper, Hans Peeters, Bas van Geel: Early Neolithic human impact on the vegetation in a wetland environment in the Noordoostpolder, central Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Wijk, I.M. van
Vol. 5, nr. 1: D.J. Huisman, F. Brounen, E. Lohof, R. Machiels, J. de Moor, B.J.H. van Os, P. van de Velde, E. Rensink, I.M. van Wijk: Micromorphological study of Early Neolithic (LBK) soil features in the Netherlands

Wouters, Werner
Vol. 1, nr. 2: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer, Anton Ervynck, Luk Beeckmans, Danielle Caluwé, Brigitte Cooremans, Frans De Buyser, Koen Deforce, Konjev Desender, An Lentacker, Jan Moens, Gaston Van Bulck, Maarten Van Dijck, Wim Van Neer, Werner Wouters: Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Zink, Albert
Vol. 4, nr. 1: Raffaella Bianucci, Don Brothwell, Wijnand van der Sanden, Christina Papageorgopoulou, Paul Gostner, Patrizia Pernter, Eduard Egarter-Vigl, Frank Maixner, Marek Janko, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Grazia Mattutino, Frank Rühlis, Albert Zink: A possible case of dyschondrosteosis in a bog body from the Netherlands
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF] 

Zoolingen, R.J. van
Vol. 3, nr. 1: R.J. van Zoolingen: Rural cult places in the civitas Cananefatium
  [TOC]  [Abstract]  [Article]    [PDF]