Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries 2-2 (November 2010)Bart Vanmontfort; Marijn Van Gils; Etienne Paulissen; Jan Bastiaens; Marc De Bie; Els Meirsman: Human occupation of the Late and Early Post-Glacial environments in the Liereman Landscape (Campine, Belgium)


The evaluation research was partly financed by the Agency for Town and Country Planning and Immovable Heritage (Agentschap Ruimte en Erfgoed) in anticipation of possible site conservation. Etienne Paulissen’s research E. P. was partly funded by FWO-Vlaanderen – Grant G.0227.06N. We also wish to thank Natuurpunt v.z.w. and the municipality of Oud-Turnhout for their co-operation, access to the nature reserve and for providing infrastructure and equipment. The contribution of B. Dieu for the construction of the DEMs is acknowledged. We thank everybody who contributed to the fieldwork.

We are grateful to L. Amkreutz, L.P. Louwe Kooijmans and P. Vermeersch for a stimulating discussion on this paper and to two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.

Bart Vanmontfort (fieldwork and archaeology),

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,


Marijn Van Gils (fieldwork and archaeology),

Flemish Heritage Institute and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,


Etienne Paulissen (geomorphology),

Department Earth and Environmental Sciences

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,


Jan Bastiaens (landscape study),

Flemish Heritage Institute,


Els Meirsman (fieldwork),

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,


Marc De Bie (archaeology),

Flemish Heritage Institute and Vrije Universiteit Brussel,


Review data:

Submission 6/5/2010

Revision 23/9/2010

2nd submission 19/10/2010